The Light Study is a 5 week program designed by Minneapolis based artists Seth Dahlseid and Torey Erin, focusing on the fundamentals and importance of light. Light Study is inspired by Thomas Kirkbride’s philosophy that the mentally ill could improve with air, light, and occupational therapy. The program includes an active study about the philosophy, physics, and poetics of the phenomenon of light.
Support for this program is brought to you by the Springboard for the Arts Hinge Artist Residency Program. Special thanks to Fergus Falls public Library, Kaddatz Gallery, The Spot, and the Fergus Falls community!
The Light Library at Kaddatz Gallery Studio K
Opening Saturday, October 27th 12:00pm-3:30 pm Continuing Friday and Saturday November 2, 3 12:00pm-3:30pm November 9, 10 12:00pm - 3:30pm
Visitors are welcome to experience a collection of books on the philosophy, physics and poetics of light. The Light Library welcomes conversation and experimentation with objects that reflect and refract natural light. Special thanks to the Kaddatz Gallery and the Fergus Falls Public Library. This event is free and open to the public.
Slide Projection Installation
Saturday, October 27th 6:00pm - 9:00pm
Kaddatz Studio K
Minneapolis based artists Seth Dahlseid and Torey Erin present an installation of several 35mm slide projection images, sourced from the Minnesota Historical Society, family basements, institutional archives, and thrift stores. The slide images displayed show people engaged in everyday life, creating new narratives in an exploration of analog viewing. Visitors are welcome to bring their own 35mm slides to view. During their Hinge Artist Residency, Dahlseid and Erin are focusing on the fundamentals and importance of light. A slide projector is created by using the concepts of refraction, focal point and focal length, and observation of how light passes through lenses. These physical concepts bring us the experience of photography and the projected image. This event is free and open to the public.
Super 8 Film Screening
Saturday, November 3rd 6pm - 9pm
The Spot
Minneapolis based artists Seth Dahlseid and Torey Erin present an evening of experimental Super 8mm films by Torey Erin, Seth Dahlseid, Anna van Voorhis, Xavier Tavera, Allen Killian-Moore, Sarah Sampedro, Kevin Horn, and Alan Gerlach. These particular artists use film as a work of moving visu- al art, creating experimental perspectives on traditional formats of cinema. During their Hinge Artist Residency, Dahlseid and Erin are focusing on the fundamentals and importance of light. The Super 8mm Film Screening focuses on the ways in which moving image can be used to compose visual poetries transcribed using light, motion, and time. This is a ticket based event, payable by sliding scale between $1-$5.
Camera Obscura
Thursday, November 15th - Sunday November 18th 12:00pm - 4:00 pm
Kirkbride Regional Treatment Center
A camera obscura, is a Latin term meaning dark room, which has the ability to project the surrounding exterior landscape to the inside walls with the aid of a lens. Dahlseid and Erin present Roland, the camera obscura, a portable light tight room with a lens facing north in view of the Kirkbride tower. Visitors are welcome to step inside of the camera obscura to learn about and experience the phenomenon of light, the human eye, and the history and mechanism of the camera. This event is free and open to the public.